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Right now we’re only shipping in the U.S. However, the game will be going worldwide soon. Contact us to let us know where you’re at and that you want us to start shipping to your corner of the globe. Also, subscribe to our Newsletter to hear about updates (we will never spam you).

How do I play Polarized the Game?

Watch our How-To Play video and read the instructions here.

I bought the game but am having some issues.

Shoot us an email at and we’ll take care of you.

I love your game and want to get involved somehow.

We love that you love our game. Contact us and we’ll see how you can help us save the world during these extremely polarizing times.

Some of these topics are really insanely polarizing.

Yeah we know. That’s the point.



Does the Judge get a WHICH SIDE? card?

No. They oversee the round.

The sides are uneven. Is that ok?

Yes. In games with 4, 6, or 8 players, sides will always be uneven. For example, in a 6 person game there will be 1 Judge, 3 players on one side and 2 players on the other.

There’s one WHICH SIDE? card left over. Is that ok?

Yes. In games of 4, 6, or 8 players you will always have one extra WHICH SIDE? card left over each round after they are passed out. Just set the extra WHICH SIDE? card aside and shuffle it back in the next round.


I think the Judge’s ruling was unfair. Is there anything I can do?


Can the Judge end the discussion before the 3-minutes are up?

Yes. Sometimes a discussion runs its course and you’re left sitting there in silence. The Judge can decide to end the round early.

Can the Judge silence people whenever they want during discussion?

Yes. This can be necessary if a player takes up too much time.

Someone kept talking over the Judge and didn’t do what the Judge told them to do. Is that okay?

It’s not okay, and the Judge may take this into account in their final decision and may even rule against them. Always obey the Judge or suffer the consequences.

Can the Judge ask players questions during the discussion?

Yes. The Judge may prod and ask players to clarify their points of view. In fact, it’s encouraged and helps the Judge make a better ruling.

Can the Judge take a side and start arguing a TOPIC?

No. The Judge is there to moderate the round and encourage a fun and fast-paced discussion, not to take a side.

Can the Judge sit back and do nothing during the entire discussion?

Yep. The Judge can run the discussion however they want. Sometimes it’s fun to watch and listen without intervening.

Someone kept talking even after the timer was up. What do we do?

The Judge decides.


Some of the DANGEROUS Topics might be too offensive for our group. Do we have to play them?

No! You’re welcome to leave out some or all of the cards in the DANGEROUS deck (and maybe even the RISKY deck as well).

A TOPIC card made someone uncomfortable. What should we do?

While we do encourage people to be open-minded about discussing topics that might make them feel uncomfortable, we also realize that some things can hit a little too close to home. In that case we recommend drawing a new TOPIC card. If you’re playing with ACTION cards, then perhaps that player could use their NEW TOPIC card to change the topic.


Can I use the same ACTION card more than once?

No. Once you use an ACTION card, that’s it. You must discard it and it can’t be used for the rest of the entire game.

Can I use more than one ACTION card in a round?

Yes. In fact you could play all your ACTION cards in the very first round. But remember, see previous question.

Can I use my NEW TOPIC card even though someone else used a FLIP FLOP card?

No. Once a FLIP FLOP card has been played, it’s too late to play a NEW TOPIC card in that round.

Can I play the NEW TOPIC card or FLIP FLOP card during the 3-minute discussion?

No. Absolutely not. But on the other hand if you want to try it for fun let us know how it goes. We may change the rule on this. Contact us and let us know what you think.

Two people played an ACTION card at the same time. Who goes first?

The Judge will decide. That being said, the person chosen to go second doesn’t have to use their ACTION card (although they can if they still want to).

Can the Judge stop a player from using an ACTION card?


Someone used their FLIP FLOP card on me to switch sides. Can I use my FLIP FLOP card on them to switch back?

Yes. You better believe you can.

How much time does someone get to make a final point with the LAST WORD card?

At least 30 seconds to speak. However, the Judge can let that person keep talking longer or cut them off after 30 seconds if they’ve heard enough. We encourage the Judge to be as fair as possible.

If another player uses a LAST WORD card, can I play my LAST WORD card immediately after them?

Yes. Do it. As long as the Judge hasn’t ruled yet any player who has their LAST WORD card can play it after the 3-minute discussion.

Can I hide my ACTION cards?



When a Judge picks a winning side, who gets the WIN CHIP?

All the players on the winning side each get one WIN CHIP.

Can I hide my WIN CHIPS?

Yes. In fact it’s encouraged. Why? While we don’t want to presume any Judge would abuse their power, it might happen that a Judge could rule against you if they see you’re about to win the game.


The rulebook was kind of vague on tie games. Can you explain this in detail please?

Sure. Let’s say two people win the game at the same time. Those two people will then face off in a sudden death round. The next person in line to be Judge will moderate the round as normal. They’ll pick a topic card, hand out the WHICH SIDE? cards, and oversee the discussion. The tied players can still use any ACTION cards they may have. Once the discussion has taken place the Judge will pick a winner and they are crowned the champion.

What if three or more people win the game at the same time?

The winning players will enter into a sudden death round. Follow the rules above. If two or more players win the sudden death round then those winning players will face off in another sudden death round. Repeat until one person is left standing and crowned the champion.